Parameter sets

A problem with parameter sets for large-scale, detailed models is that the list of parameters gets very long and unwieldy, and due to the typically hierarchical nature of such models, the individual parameter names can also get very long, e.g., v1_layer5_pyramidal_apical_dend_gbar_na.

A solution to this is to give the parameter set a hierarchical structure as well, which allows the top-level list of parameters to be very short (e.g. v1, retina and lgn for a visual system simulation) since the top-level parameters are themselves parameter sets.

The simplest way to implement this in Python is using nested dicts. One disadvantage of this is that accessing deeply-nested parameters can be very verbose, e.g. v1['layer5']['pyramidal']['apical_dend']['na']['gbar']. A second disadvantage is that it is tedious to flatten the hierarchy when this becomes necessary, e.g. for serialisation - writing to file, etc.

For these reasons we have created a ParameterSet class, which:

  1. allows a more convenient notation;
  2. enables subsets of the parameters, lower in the hierarchy, to be passed around by themselves;
  3. provides convenient methods for reading from/writing to file and for determining the differences between two different parameter sets.

An example of the notation is, which requires only a single . for each level in the hierarchy rather than two “'“s, a “[” and a “]”. This is not much shorter than v1_layer5_pyramidal_apical_dend_gbar_na - the difference is that v1.layer5.pyramidal is itself a ParameterSet object that can be passed as an argument to the pyramidal cell object, which doesn’t care about v1.layer4.spinystellate, let alone retina.ganglioncell.magno.tau_m (while v1_layer5_pyramidal is just a NameError).

The ParameterSet class


ParameterSet objects may be created from a dict:

>>> sim_params = ParameterSet({'dt': 0.11, 'tstop': 1000.0})

or loaded from a URL:

>>> exc_cell_params = ParameterSet("")

They may be nested:

>>> inh_cell_params = ParameterSet({'tau_m': 15.0, 'cm': 0.5})
>>> network_params = ParameterSet({'excitatory_cells': exc_cell_params, 'inhibitory_cells': inh_cell_params})
>>> P = ParameterSet({'sim': sim_params, 'network': network_params}, label="my_params")

Note that although we show here only numerical parameter values, Parameter, ParameterRange and ParameterDist objects, as well as strings, may also be parameter values.


describe references (‘ref’ and the ParameterReference class)

Viewing and saving

To see the entire parameter set at once, nicely formatted use the pretty() method:

>>> print P.pretty()
  "network": {
    "excitatory_cells": url(""),
    "inhibitory_cells": {
      "tau_m": 15.0,
      "cm": 0.75,
  "sim": {
    "tstop": 1000.0,
    "dt": 0.11,

By default, if the ParameterSet contains other ParameterSets that were loaded from URLs, these will be represented with a url() function in the output, but there is also the option to expand all URLs and show the full contents:

>>> print P.pretty(expand_urls=True)
  "network": {
    "excitatory_cells": {
      "tau_refrac": 0.11,
      "tau_m": 10.0,
      "cm": 0.25,
      "synI": {
        "tau": 10.0,
        "E": -75.0,
      "synE": {
        "tau": 1.5,
        "E": 0.0,
      "v_thresh": -57.0,
      "v_reset": -70.0,
      "v_rest": -70.0,
    "inhibitory_cells": {
      "tau_m": 15.0,
      "cm": 0.75,
  "sim": {
    "tstop": 1000.0,
    "dt": 0.11,

If a ParameterSet was loaded from a URL, it may be modified then saved back to the same URL, provided the protocol supports writing:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 266, in save
    raise Exception("Saving using the %s protocol is not implemented" % scheme)
Exception: Saving using the https protocol is not implemented

or saved to a different URL:


The file format is the same as that produced by the pretty() method.

Copying and converting

A ParameterSet can be used simply as a dictionary, but can also be converted explicitly to a dict if required:

>>> print sim_params.as_dict()
{'tstop': 1000.0, 'dt': 0.11}

[need to say something about tree_copy()]


There are several different ways to iterate over all or part of the ParameterSet object. keys(), values() and items() work as for dicts. For the sake of more readable code, names() is provided as an alias for keys() and parameters() as an alias for items():

 >>> P.names()
 ['network', 'sim']
 >>> exc_cell_params.parameters()
 [('tau_refrac', 0.11), ('tau_m', 10.0), ('cm', 0.25),
  ('synI', {'tau': 10.0, 'E': -75.0}), ('synE', {'tau': 1.5, 'E': 0.0}),
  ('v_thresh', -57.0), ('v_reset', -70.0), ('v_rest', -70.0)]

To flatten nested parameter sets, i.e., the iterate recursively over all branches of the tree, the the flatten() method returns a dict with keys created by joining the names at each hierarchical level with a separator character (‘.’ by default):

 >>> network_params.flatten()
 {'excitatory_cells.synI.E': -75.0, 'excitatory_cells.v_rest': -70.0,
  'excitatory_cells.tau_refrac': 0.11, 'excitatory_cells.v_reset': -70.0,
  'excitatory_cells.v_thresh': -57.0, 'excitatory_cells.tau_m': 10.0,
  'excitatory_cells.synI.tau': 10.0, '': 0.25,
  '': 0.75, 'excitatory_cells.synE.tau': 1.5,
  'excitatory_cells.synE.E': 0.0, 'inhibitory_cells.tau_m': 15.0}

while the flat() method returns a generator which yields (name, value) tuples.:

>>> for x in network_params.flat():
...   print x
('excitatory_cells.tau_refrac', 0.11)
('excitatory_cells.tau_m', 10.0)
('', 0.25)
('excitatory_cells.synI.tau', 10.0)
('excitatory_cells.synI.E', -75.0)
('excitatory_cells.synE.tau', 1.5)
('excitatory_cells.synE.E', 0.0)
('excitatory_cells.v_thresh', -57.0)
('excitatory_cells.v_reset', -70.0)
('excitatory_cells.v_rest', -70.0)
('inhibitory_cells.tau_m', 15.0)
('', 0.75)

The ParameterTable class


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